March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

March 18, 2024
2 min
Dr. Rick Aizpuru, VP Clinical Solutions

“If you’re colon is 45, there’s something you need to do…”, says the American Cancer Society.

March is colorectal cancer awareness month. Colorectal cancer is a preventable cancer if detected early. Early detection is key to surviving colorectal cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends colorectal cancer screening to begin at age 45. If your colon is 45 years old, get it screened.  

As a physician, the best outcome for my patients, for those who are screened at age 45, is to find small, curable pre–cancerous polyps that are removed at the time of colonoscopy before these lesions become an invasive cancer.

Improving access to colorectal cancer screening for all Americans over 45 is a major priority of the US healthcare system. Medical College of Wisconsin Professor, Dr. Charles Roger, PHD is President and co-founder of the Colorectal Cancer Equity Foundation. This great organization is committed to turning the tide against colorectal cancer, and to make a lasting impact: your support will make a big difference. The colorectal cancer equity foundation is committed to “fight for a future free from this preventable treatable and beatable disease. You can also get a personalized screening recommendation from which is supported by the American Cancer Society.

Prevention. Prevention. Prevention. As we all know, colon cancer is a preventable cancer cause of death. Another critical preventive measure that individuals can do for themselves, and their loved ones, is to complete their Advance Care Planning documents. Advance Care Planning documents are the best preventive measure to ensure that individuals have personal autonomy over their medical decisions in the event that they become incapacitated. Unlike screening for colorectal cancer, which begins at 45, starting at age 18 is the best time to appoint your power of attorney for healthcare decisions, as well as to complete your healthcare directives. Just like you, these documents can be changed as you face changes in your life’s journey.

At Thanacare, we are on a mission to increase and empower everyone, everywhere, to learn more about the importance of Advance Care Planning documents. These important documents are critical to ensure individual personal autonomy in medical decision-making. Our ACP registry and platform, because of its easy-to-use format, portability, and innovative solutions, including video wishes, is a tool which is specifically designed to improve access for everyone to complete their ACP documents. Thanacare is committed to getting our platform/registry in as many hands as possible to improve access and completion rates of ACP documents.  

If you are interested in starting a conversation about what matters most when it comes to your care wishes, schedule with Thanacare today.