Integrating ACP Software into Hospital EMR: Why It Matters

April 11, 2023
5 min
Max Lund, VP of Engineering

As healthcare organizations strive to provide the best possible care to their patients, they must also prioritize advanced care planning (ACP) to ensure patients receive care that aligns with their preferences and values. ACP is the process of discussing and documenting a patient's goals, values, and preferences for future medical care, including end-of-life care. With the help of a software partner, hospital systems can scale their ACP programs and integrate them into their electronic medical record (EMR) system. In this blog post, we will explore why this integration is crucial for healthcare organizations and their patients.

Improved Efficiency and Accuracy 

Integrating ACP software into an EMR system streamlines the process of collecting and documenting patient preferences for care. ACP software allows healthcare providers to easily initiate and document conversations about a patient's goals and values for future care. This information is then automatically integrated into the patient's medical record, ensuring that it is accessible to all members of the care team. This reduces the likelihood of errors and miscommunications, leading to improved efficiency and accuracy of care.

Better Care Coordination 

Integrating ACP software into an EMR system can also improve care coordination for patients. With all information about a patient's goals and preferences documented in one place, healthcare providers can more easily collaborate with each other and provide coordinated care. This reduces the risk of care being provided that is not aligned with the patient's goals and values. 

Increased Patient Satisfaction

Patients who participate in ACP have better quality of life, are less likely to receive unwanted care, and are more satisfied with their care. By integrating ACP software into an EMR system, healthcare organizations can make it easier for patients to participate in ACP and ensure that their preferences are documented and followed. This improves patient satisfaction and leads to better patient outcomes.

Regulatory Compliance

Finally, integrating ACP software into an EMR system can help healthcare organizations meet regulatory requirements. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires that all Medicare patients have access to ACP services, and many states have similar requirements. By using ACP software integrated into an EMR system, healthcare organizations can easily document compliance with these regulations. 

In brief, integrating ACP software into an EMR system is essential for healthcare organizations that want to scale their ACP programs and improve care for their patients. It streamlines the process of collecting and documenting patient preferences for care, improves care coordination, increases patient satisfaction, and helps healthcare organizations meet regulatory requirements. As healthcare organizations continue to prioritize advanced care planning, integrating ACP software into their EMR system is a critical step in providing high-quality care that aligns with patient preferences and values.